MAHASATON YANTRA of Non Physical World'S  Protection from Thailand buddist Temple.

This Web site is about how to protect from non-physical world , invisible world . 


Maha Saton Yantra is one of Best Protection Seal, Amulet, Talisman that our human being ever had.


This Information is not based on individual thought. This is NOT from one personal level of Channelig, healing,

Inspiration whatsoever.


Maha Saton is the  highest wisdom from Thailand buddist temple.  

Most effective Yantra ,god's figure diagram, is the Most Powerful protection of Non Physical World.


Generally、 Maha Saton function as followings:

◇Home Safely

◇Safe Driving

◇Amulet, Protction Seal, Talisman

◆ Protection , Repeling   jealousy, malice from people


Ruang Poo P, One of high level monks of Thailand temple, phrase:

◆ double the Payback, mirror-back to the black magic

◆ talisman, it is protected from bad spirits

◆ protection from curse, psychic attack, black magic

 ◆ amulet for the negative energy, bad energy.


It is protection from bad things from the non-physical world, it does not have to worry about  affecting by unnecessary evil force. 


Your defense , as a result, brings a good luck to you.